GET api/Payslips?employeeNo={employeeNo}

Get an employees payslips

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

Employee Number



Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description


Collection of Payslip
NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information




Collection of PayDetails



Collection of BankDetails


Response Formats

application/json, text/json

            "Open": "No",
            "EmployeeNo": "198456",
            "Surname": "Hurt",
            "Forename": "Abdul",
            "MiddleNames": "",
            "MethodOfPayment": "BACS",
            "NINumber": "AA454545",
            "NITableLetter": "A",
            "TaxCode": "1257L",
            "TaxBasis": "0",
            "CompanyName": "DummyComp",
            "CompanyAddress1": "",
            "CompanyAddress2": "",
            "CompanyAddress3": "",
            "CompanyCity": "",
            "CompanyCounty": "",
            "CompanyPostCode": "",
            "PayrollNo": "MONTHLY",
            "PayrollName": "Monthly Paid",
            "Postcode": "",
            "ErsNI": false,
            "PayPeriod": 202108,
            "PayDate": "2021-11-30T00:00:00",
            "NetPay": 3624.13,
            "GrossPay": 4791.83,
            "GrossDed": 1167.7,
            "TaxablePay": 4791.83,
            "NIAblePay": 4791.83,
            "TaxPaidTD": 748.6,
            "TaxYTDCF": 0.0,
            "TaxYTDBF": 1869.0,
            "NetYTD": 0.0,
            "GrossYTD": 17731.95,
            "TaxableYTD": 17731.95,
            "NicableYTD": 17731.95,
            "EENICont": 419.1,
            "ERNICont": 559.57,
            "ERNIPaidTD": 2040.19,
            "EENIPaidTD": 1578.78,
            "Division": "TestDivision",
            "Department": "TestDepartment",
            "CostCentre": "",
            "Location": "",
            "JobTitle": "",
            "PayslipMessage1": "<p>This is a message</p>",
            "PayslipMessage2": "",
            "NetHours": 37.5,
            "HoursPayable": 37.5,
            "EmployeePension": 161.5,
            "EmployerPension": 97.34,
            "EmployeePensionYTD": 161.5,
            "EmployerPensionYTD": 97.34,
            "PensionablePay": 3750.0,
            "PensionablePayYTD": 3750.0,
            "StartDate": "2021-11-01T00:00:00",
            "EndDate": "2021-11-30T00:00:00",
            "isCIS": false,
            "CRN": "",
            "taxTreatment": 30,
            "verificationNumber": "",
            "UTR": "",
            "isDailyPayroll": false,
            "HideHolidayOnPayslip": false,
            "HideNotionalElementsOnPayslip": false,
            "MergeNI": false,
            "isGross": false,
            "payslipVersion": 0,
            "ShowInWeeks": 0,
            "InTimeHoliday": false,
            "EmployeeId": 15811
                "PayElementName": "Tax Paid",
                "PayElementType": 5,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 748.6,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 1869.0,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "Basic Pay",
                "PayElementType": 1,
                "PayDed": 1,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 3588.5,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 14588.5,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "EE NI Contribution",
                "PayElementType": 5,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 419.1,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 1578.78,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "Holiday Pay",
                "PayElementType": 1,
                "PayDed": 1,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 1203.33,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 3163.45,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "ER NI Contribution",
                "PayElementType": 5,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 559.57,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 2040.19,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "SmartPension",
                "PayElementType": 6,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 161.5,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 161.5,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 1,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "ER SmartPension",
                "PayElementType": 6,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 96.9,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 96.9,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 1,
                "IsEmployer": 1
                "PayElementName": "NI Saving",
                "PayElementType": 6,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 0.44,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 0.44,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 1,
                "IsEmployer": 1
                "NetPay": 3624.13,
                "GrossPay": 4791.83,
                "Reference": "",
                "Amount": 0.0,
                "AccountNo": "****8675",
                "AccountName": "DUMMYACC",
                "SortCode": "111210",
                "BankName": "HALIFAX PLC",
                "BranchName": "HIGH WYCOMBE WHITE HART",
                "TelephoneNumber": ""
            "Open": "No",
            "EmployeeNo": "104856",
            "Surname": "Hurt",
            "Forename": "Jonathon",
            "MiddleNames": "",
            "MethodOfPayment": "BACS",
            "NINumber": "AA776878",
            "NITableLetter": "A",
            "TaxCode": "1257L",
            "TaxBasis": "0",
            "CompanyName": "NEWCOMPANY",
            "CompanyAddress1": "",
            "CompanyAddress2": "",
            "CompanyAddress3": "",
            "CompanyCity": "",
            "CompanyCounty": "",
            "CompanyPostCode": "",
            "PayrollNo": "MONTHLY",
            "PayrollName": "Monthly Paid",
            "Postcode": "",
            "ErsNI": false,
            "PayPeriod": 202108,
            "PayDate": "2021-11-30T00:00:00",
            "NetPay": 2835.02,
            "GrossPay": 3720.43,
            "GrossDed": 885.41,
            "TaxablePay": 3720.43,
            "NIAblePay": 3720.43,
            "TaxPaidTD": 534.6,
            "TaxYTDCF": 0.0,
            "TaxYTDBF": 1265.2,
            "NetYTD": 0.0,
            "GrossYTD": 14712.09,
            "TaxableYTD": 14712.09,
            "NicableYTD": 14712.09,
            "EENICont": 350.81,
            "ERNICont": 411.71,
            "ERNIPaidTD": 1623.44,
            "EENIPaidTD": 1382.89,
            "Division": "TestDivision",
            "Department": "DepartmentWhere",
            "CostCentre": "",
            "Location": "TestPAYLocation",
            "JobTitle": "",
            "PayslipMessage1": "<p>TestMessage</p>",
            "PayslipMessage2": "",
            "NetHours": 37.5,
            "HoursPayable": 37.5,
            "EmployeePension": 119.83,
            "EmployerPension": 72.23,
            "EmployeePensionYTD": 119.83,
            "EmployerPensionYTD": 72.23,
            "PensionablePay": 2916.67,
            "PensionablePayYTD": 2916.67,
            "StartDate": "2021-11-01T00:00:00",
            "EndDate": "2021-11-30T00:00:00",
            "isCIS": false,
            "CRN": "",
            "taxTreatment": 30,
            "verificationNumber": "",
            "UTR": "",
            "isDailyPayroll": false,
            "HideHolidayOnPayslip": false,
            "HideNotionalElementsOnPayslip": false,
            "MergeNI": false,
            "isGross": false,
            "payslipVersion": 0,
            "ShowInWeeks": 0,
            "InTimeHoliday": true,
            "EmployeeId": 15826
                "PayElementName": "Tax Paid",
                "PayElementType": 5,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 534.6,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 1265.2,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "Basic Pay",
                "PayElementType": 1,
                "PayDed": 1,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 2796.84,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 12380.18,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "Holiday Pay",
                "PayElementType": 1,
                "PayDed": 1,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 923.59,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 2331.91,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "EE NI Contribution",
                "PayElementType": 5,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 350.81,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 1382.89,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "ER NI Contribution",
                "PayElementType": 5,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 411.71,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 1623.44,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 0,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "SmartPension",
                "PayElementType": 6,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 119.83,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 119.83,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 1,
                "IsEmployer": 0
                "PayElementName": "ER SmartPension",
                "PayElementType": 6,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 71.9,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 71.9,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 1,
                "IsEmployer": 1
                "PayElementName": "NI Saving",
                "PayElementType": 6,
                "PayDed": 2,
                "Rate": 0.0,
                "CurrentAmount": 0.33,
                "CurrentHours": 0.0,
                "YTDAmount": 0.33,
                "YTDHours": 0.0,
                "Balance": false,
                "Notional": 1,
                "IsEmployer": 1
                "NetPay": 2835.02,
                "GrossPay": 3720.43,
                "Reference": "",
                "Amount": 20.0,
                "AccountNo": "****5647",
                "AccountName": "SECONDBANK",
                "SortCode": "111210",
                "BankName": "HALIFAX PLC",
                "BranchName": "HIGH WYCOMBE WHITE HART",
                "TelephoneNumber": ""
                "NetPay": 2835.02,
                "GrossPay": 3720.43,
                "Reference": "",
                "Amount": 0.0,
                "AccountNo": "****0536",
                "AccountName": "RICHARDBANK",
                "SortCode": "111210",
                "BankName": "HALIFAX PLC",
                "BranchName": "HIGH WYCOMBE WHITE HART",
                "TelephoneNumber": ""

application/xml, text/xml


Sample not available.